Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mother's Day

by Amanda (Grade 7)

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. Annie bought a scarf for her mother. Her mother was so touched by the gift Annie gave her. Everyone in the family celebrated Mother's Day with her mother. They had a big cake, chicken, noodles and soup. After the big meal, Annie played the piano while her father, mother and brother sang with the music. They had a good time together.

by Ivy (Grade 7)

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. Annie's family decided to do something for Annie's mother. Annie bought a pink scarf for her mom. Annie's father bought some food like a big cake and some fried chicken for the special party. After the big meal, Annie played the piano and her brother sang with the music. They had a good time on Mother's Day.

by James (Grade 7)

Mother's Day was last Sunday. Annie bought a beautiful scarf for her mother. Her father bought a big cake and some roasted chicken, noodles and other delicious food. In addition, her sister played the piano for her mother. Her mother was very happy . It was a wonderful Mother's Day to her mother and the whole family.

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